Week 3 LOL Log Report

Okay so this week, I got owned on the track. As you all remember from the last LOL Report, I prefer to get in front of people on the track. But this week this guy kept getting in front of me. The first time I saw it, I tried to keep up, but it seemed as if he began to speed up the more I would try to catch up. Towards the end of my cardio on the track, I got into ultra-sprint mode and burned him, and felt good about myself.

Heres another LOL. The New Years Resolution people are starting to leave the gym. On Wednesday and Friday it was less packed in the gym and it was easier to get a locker. I already entered another competition to keep me motivated. Its on BodyBuilders, so if ya wish to join go here: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=131203613

This one will last from February 1st to May 1st.

This pretty much wraps up the LOLs this week, that I can remember at least.

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